I designed a future governance model based on principles from my own developed framework and systems theory. It’s relatively similar to my organizations model, as it gives a loopy and dynamic way organizing while taking stability and change in the fundamentals of the structure. In this article, I will go step by step explaining the model.
The cyclical feedback model
Right of the bat, you can see the structure on the right. It’s a loopy structure that has its fundament in society, who provides feedback about their well-being and needs to the 1st chamber. The first chamber, is focused on stability, and investigates the data from society and works on theoretically creating the conditions that conserve and sustain human kind. In the next sections I will expand on it.
The work from the 1st chamber then flows towards the operational minded 2nd chamber. They are more progressive and coordinate a strategy towards realizing the change that is needed according the 1st chamber.
Through offering grants to organizations, and working on connecting and supporting organizations, the 2nd chamber realizes their path towards supplying the needs that society has. This happens through the services and products the organizations create.
This process has then an effect on society, which then creates goes into another loop. This is a continuous feedback loop that is build to improve society by working on their needs.

The picture on the right shows another way of viewing it. This gives more the organismic way of approaching society. As a process, of continuously receiving feedback, repositioning, applying a new strategy, doing action, and finding new paths, and reflecting again.
The first chamber, the second chamber, and society are overlapping and connecting parts of the whole system.

The first chamber
The first chamber gathers information from society. Through a frequent and dynamic survey, and other methods, such as interviews, desk research, and round tables, the needs and foundations of humans are being unearthed. It’s partly a scientific practice, as it is a philosophical practice of building the structure of what we need as a society.
What we need as society is something that is determined by the first chamber, but will come down to establishing the basics of society, such as the flourishing of living, peace, moral rules, and sustainability. It will involve a holistic view that also accounts for the world that is present beyond the people the first chamber governs.
Their outcomes will be both an agreement on the basic needs for their society to function as a whole, and a rough prioritization of how to achieve this.

Fundamentals of living
The research what the 1st chamber performs, serves a higher purpose of synthesizing it all and making a grand understanding of humans and society, creating a pathway to utopia. But it also serves as a purpose to support the second chamber of realizing it. And it serves as a purpose for new research to perform within society.
Altogether, it leads to several documents and other material that is useful for the second chamber in the process.

The 2nd Chamber
The 2nd chamber chamber reads and follows the advices from the 1st chamber and then creates a strategy, together with the organization that manifest change. A change that realizes the needs of the citizens. Through strategically funding organizations with monetary grants, the 2nd chamber can stimulate organizations that work on certain products and services, or guide them in the right direction.
By having cooperative and strategic meetings, the 2nd chamber can coordinate multiple organizations to manifest a more systemic approach to deep rooted issues.
Within the organizations and society sphere, it is also important for the 2nd chamber to include the whole society within their actions, as these have effects on everyone, and create job opportunities as well. A following loop of reflection will show this.

The flow process
This type of governance will be a continuous and cyclical way governing. For example, primary needs might be basic for a large proportion of the people, such as “Not enough food”. The first chamber will receive this information and then make organizations, through the second chamber to work on this by stimulating and supporting farmers. When people have enough food, other needs might surface, such as well paying jobs, as a response, the first and second chamber go through a new loop addressing these less basic needs, all the way to less essential needs.
However, the 1st chamber should also recognize the different needs that exist in parallel. Not enough food in one social group and No well paying job in another social group can co-exist, and are easy to combine to solve the needs in both social groups. For example, a government can increase the payment rate for people working in agriculture. Understanding and combining the needs that exist in parallel within different social groups and areas in essential to solve issues systemically.

Other important aspects
The dashboards with data can provide specific insights from groups of people such as their region, age group, heritage, and more. The dashboards provide filters to select these categories and dissect the different needs of them. In this way, each group can be addressed specifically to their needs and supporting them appropriately.
Global action
The relativity of issues and needs will be clear if this system will be adopted on a global level. The needs of people of each continent will diverge when it comes to urgency. Crises, for example, will be effectively addressed since the urgency of the needs of the people affected will prominently show within the dashboards.
One of the issues of this model might be that it is focused around the needs of people. The needs of the planet or animals aren’t addressed directly, and have a risk of ignorance. This issue is a responsibility of the first chamber as their main goal is the fundamentals of living and continuation of their society.
This governance model can work on every scale. It can work for small groups and for whole continents. The same structure will be in play for each group of users. The structure will be more efficient the more people are added, since coordination can improve by extending the inclusion of the system.
1st chamber awareness
One of the biggest issues of this system is the access to the surveys. People who are subject to earthquakes for example, might not have the means to fill in their surveys. Nevertheless, they are the ones who know the best what they need exactly. Its the responsibility of the first chamber to be aware of the developments and choose the right methods to surface the needs of these areas if the surveys are not appropriate
One of the main goals, to solve issues and addressing needs should be addressing the global character of issues. If the government uncovers issues that extend towards groups outside the social group, they should work together and cooperate with other governments. The best is to unify the structure and solve the needs collectively. For example, a fist chamber that governs over the Netherlands with this structure, would uncover issues they have with Germany. The first chamber should then attempt to work together with this governance and, if possible, unify and cooperate with this government, by adopting the same structure and merging them together. Working this way up will be the fastest steps to solving global issues.