I have provided several lectures and workshops regarding Quantified Self, the Future of quantified self/personalized science, privacy, art, and addiction to tracking. Unfortunately, most of them aren’t recorded. But some of them are! Below you can find examples of my lectures.
Lecture at the EFMC Dublin “a Systems perspective on the workplace”
Gave a lecture on how to view the workplace from a natural dynamic systems perspective (watch the video here)
Webinar on the dynamics of Real Estate
Gave a webinar on the systems thinking in organisations and real eastate
Workshop provider Our relation to (natural) patterns at D-Dock
Gave a workshop about patterns and dynamics
Poster presentation about Regarding myself as a Complex Dynamic System at the Complexity Symposium in Utrecht (see picture)
Workshop provider Complexity at Kenniscentrum NoorderRuimte
Gave a workshop about Complex dynamic systems and organisations
Workshop provider at Symposium Zelforganisatie (image)
Gave a workshop on complexity and natural systems and the conditions for self organizing teams in organisation
Workshop provider Complexity at Measuremen
Gave a (test) workshop at my employer about Complex dynamic systems in general
Guest lecturer Research group Complexity Depression
Gave a guest lecture on Complexity and Quantified Self
Guest lecturer on Facility management festival “Werken tot je 70ste, hoe dan?” – Haagse hogeschool
Gave a lecture on the Healthy Workplace and Quantified Self
Guest lecturer on Quantified Self Inholland Amsterdam
Focus on the implications on Health care, and E-Health
Panelmember at Measuremen-Presents
Focus on Data and the Healthy Workplace
Short interview on wearables and apps Libelle (Dutch Magazine) see picture
Focus on Fitbit activity tracker
Guest lecturer on Quantified Self and art (Course Data design – Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences)
Gave a lecture on how to use personal data for art/design purposes
Video interview (as expert) on Quantified Self and wearable technology by BENtv
Video on “Addicted on data”
Panel member in a debate on the Price of Privacy
Role: Quantified Self expert
Video interview on NOS Niewsuur (Dutch National public television)
Short video and interview on my Quantified Self practices
Guest lecture on Quantified Self (Master course Digital Humanities – University of Groningen)
Focus on self-tracking activities and privacy (including a workshop)
Exposing Personal Data Art & leading debate about Quantified Self at “The Art of Aging Festival”
Link to Facebook-page
Guest lecture on Quantified Self (Master course Digital Humanities – University of Groningen)
Video of Lecture at QS Conference 2017
Justin Timmer: A Life of fractals
Projectmanager at the Healthy Workplace
A cooperation between business to pursue a healthy working environment
Personal interview with Financieel dagblad
Published in newspaper (see picture) but also online (see link)
Appearing on Danish television
Talking about QS and the Muse-headband
Video of Lecture at QS Europe Conference 2015
Justin Timmer: My life in 40 variables
Video of Lecture at QS Europe Conference 2014
Justin Timmer: A lazy Work-out
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