The life project
Since 2014, I started tracking myself using a diary and doing various experiments using quantitative data. This is also known as “Quantified Self”. In my diart I collect about 40 variables a day including my sleep, work, and subjective daily experiences such as happiness, stress, meaning etc (this is known as lifelogging). Read the article, ” What do I track?” to get more info. I have also done many experiments which you can read below, or scrolling through the bar.
Over the years. I started also writing and drawing more in little books. You can read more about this in Theory.
Explore articles, experiments, and blogs
Experiments that changed me
Articles that changed my view on life
(towards a complexity mindset)
Summarizing videos
Journey of my Quantified Self life
The fractals of life
My life in 40 variables
The journey of happiness
List of experiments and studies

Video analyses of experiments
The evolution of my health and happiness over years