To be

As a self, minimally sustaining in the world, experiencing at the core

To be a self

The least everyone wants to, is to be, experience “live in this world”. On the lowest level this could mean having a “Self”. That exist through having an interaction with the world, and having some perspective on anything at this moment.

However, the perspective can also be pulled larger, and could differentiate with dynamics. Self, could also mean a form of society, family, living beings, just pure space, energy, light, love. Experience is than, translated or rationalized to concepts, over space and time(dynamics), some sort of geometric pattern that resonates with our brain. In most extreme examples, mothers or any living being could be willing to sacrifice themselves if something bigger than themselves, what they align in, continues to exist. This could also be their children, nation, or any other worthiness purpose from their perspective.

For many, this purpose defines their lives, and shapes who they are. When you ask people who they are, they often tell you what they do. People want to do something that gives them purpose. To themselves, to their family, tho the world around them. Here we come to a place of independency and dependency.


Autonomy, influence, and reality

A self, is by definition a separation of the environment.  Nevertheless, this Self that we are having, is predominantly looking outside in their environment, and otherwise is thinking about things that are happening in their environment. Our family, our groceries, our goals, our needs, they all happen in our environment eventually. When you touch them, they touch you.

And to live, as a self, we love these dynamics, although everything is connected to our environment, you are not always the samely connected to the same things all the time. Things change and this touches you. 

You are deep inside, but maybe also very much outside.

Actually, all that we’re doing is finding out who we are

We are a network

Bodily being

We are our network, as we are a network in a sense. But the weird thing is, you are only your body as this moment, like a complex tubal system body, with gas, liquid, and structures (bones, muscle, and fractal veins, lungs, and nervous system).

This body, move across space and interacts with many things, you could say; exchange energy but you also don’t have to say that if you don’t want to. Either way, this body goes to space to space moves his body and plays with gravity through his jointful structures. He swings and moves, and steps and steps, through joints doing patternful things with their environment.  He adjust with the pressures, and shapes the body through attracting muscle and giving tension. And then he plays with the gravity of the ground, the shape of the walls, the heat, the pressure, the fluidity. 

Creating a spacetime now

But he also recognizes, he remembers, he knows. The time is not lost in the past, it’s a part of now. The places that I’ve been to, have been burned in my mind to a sense with certain intensities, with fear in my mind negated. The days of the past ring back and are encarved in the now, with associations you find the binding of the past you have experienced, seen and felt.

The network is shaped, like a thread flowing across the pins on a large flat surface map, that are being pinned by childhood memories spaced in place, and timed across evolution. Creating a bundle of experiences that represent the days you have experienced something like that. And how you now have become.

Doing what we do best

So, when I ask someone at a party “What are you doing?” this is a question that can go in many directions. How many can you count?

We are all over the place, we change, we move, we repeat. But the very truth is what we are doing, is breathing. Blood pumping, connections lighting up in my brain, and all sorts of activities in my organs. I don’t even know what they doooo, haha. 

But that’s me, I’m just a small town boy from Louisiana, Mississipi. I know things about the things I need to know. I’m just someone who learns about something when they need to learn about it, otherwise I wouldn’t see the point. I’m only an expert in this small thing, and I’m the only one who knows about it here, but you could ask Bob as well, he knows quite some stuff. And quite some other people in other places too.

Anyway, I know what I know, and if I don’t that I don’t. If I wanted to know I might find it worthy. But that nevertheless turns back to knowing the things that I know. And that’s all I know.

Living with energy

The thing  is that we co