My thoughts are based on several concepts that form the structure across my blogs, art pieces, short stories, and general theories. I am not sure how this relates to the mind of general people, even though I hear many of these concepts between the layers in normal conversation and across numerous theories. In this blog, I listed my concepts down to get an overview for myself, and to find the general coherence over the individual concepts. This is an overall goal I have, but is not the goal of this blog. In this blog I will discuss the individual concepts but as you look closely, you might find a red line across them. I hope you understand what I mean and that you can find these concepts across my blogs and short stories (under the complex dynamical systems tab). Have fun!
Everything is
Our universe is one swirling mess of energy that holds no word but is just present intrinsically. Everything flows in patterns and energy converges and disperses. Energy interacts and changes over time and in space. Now, animals can view their universe and use its own information to describe and understand themselves and the things around them. Through these feedback loops we create swirls and change the complexity around and within us.
Multi (time) scaled
You can zoom in and out on to certain objects in our universe and concepts in our mind to perceive different things. For example, within society you have different cultures, within cultures you have different communities, and within communities you have different people. In time, you have different scales like centuries, decades, years, days, minutes, seconds. Planet, continent, country, region, area, and so on. Each scale is a certain perspective, and between scales emergence takes place. Nevertheless, each scale is present at the same time.

Divergence and convergence
The process from shifting from scale to scale can be regarded as divergent (down the tree) or convergent (up the tree). For example, when going from continent to country, you diverge in options, if you go from countries to continent you converge. Across evolution, things can converge or diverge as well. Clusters might disperse in smaller clusters or smaller clusters might converge into one large cluster. A singular cell can diverge into two cells, and the other way around, multiple cells can converge into one cell. The funny thing is that energy is always preserved. What I mean with that is that things might disperse (diverge) across space but the energy itself will always remain present in the universe. Basically, the process of divergence and converge in evolution isn’t that different from the multi scaled idea but the configuration just becomes different across time. I believe that when your mind diverges you will find complexity in simplicity, and the other way around you will find simplicity in complexity. When you can bring a few different concepts together and converge them, you can name them, and things become quite simple after that.

Categories versus diffusion
On each scale or at each time in space, you can appoint thing. When you name something a “human”, you have categorized a living being. This categorization is in a certain scale, on a certain level, and has distinct borders. When you call something a human, this also means that other things aren’t human. But if you look how many layers and scales there are, you could argue that many things are quite diffused and couldn’t be captured in a single category. But it is also not the case that everything is completely diffused. Both diffusion and categorization are often wrong and it thus depends on the perspective you take which one seems correct. The picture on the right illustrates what often happens. For example, from which length would you assign someone to the category “beautiful”?

Chains of spacetime
Across time, energy, objects, humans and cells can diverge and converge, and thus end up in clusters or in dispersed atoms across space. We can categorize these things or can say they are diffused at a certain time in space. But it is important to notice that the path of an atom is connected over time. The future state is of an atom is dependent on the past-state and is completely dependent on its environment. Each atom, human, planet, and galaxy have their own path making a certain pattern in space over time (notice the connection to the multi-scaled). Read a bit more.
The movement pattern which a “thing” follows, could range from very stable to seemingly random. Stable movements are quite predictable while random movement keep you up the tip of your toes. Movement patterns always occur with the relationship of the thing towards its environment. When it perceives resistance it changes its path, although living things might cope differently with resistance. In living things, a pink noise (fractal) patterns seems to be the most healthy to deal with the environment in order to sustain the selves. But we usually don’t see movement patterns, because they vanish in the past. However, there are quite some “historical” patterns which could be still viewed in the present reality. For example, if you look at shells, you can exactly see the past growth of that shell. As humans, we like to look at patterns. We like patterns in design, music, dance, science, in the stock market, and so on. Patterns give us a sense of the world. . Read more about patterns.

Interaction and synchrony
When atoms, humans, or planets move with a pattern over time, they don’t move without any interaction with the environment. In fact, everything is related (immersed) within its environment. Everything interacts with their environment until they find a certain balance somewhere, this balance could be static or dynamic. At this point, we often perceive these things as distinct objects as they cluster together in a certain fixed state, repetitive patterns also known as an attractor, or a fractal pattern as often seen in nature (read more about patterns and about balance). Patterns can also flow in synchrony together, interacting or just parallel to each other. But synchrony without interaction is quite unlikely (as argued in this blog). The more patterns interact and show interdependency, the more likely they are to find an equilibrium with each other where both parties can sustain. If they can’t they will either die (in a fixed equilibrium) or evade the environment (read more here).
Without any observer words like synchrony, categories, and patterns make no sense. There would no one to regard or to remember any state of the system. It is thus necessary that two entities exist to observe anything. However, you could argue that a system can regard its own history at an earlier state and observe himself without any second entity. Nevertheless, this still needs a relative term when you want to compare two states. The observer has a large influence in each of the above categories.

Focus and the reference frame
An observer can for example pick one layer, a certain time scale, a point in space time, and chooses between using categorical or diffused terminology. When focusing on a certain object or topic, an observer can diverge and converge while focusing (what might be a different way of talking about focus than usual). However, each observer needs to compare the things he sees with the own reference frame the observer has build over his own outcome of evolution. The incoming signals need to be processed and compared with the internal reference frame. Association and memory make up how we interpret our environment. Through our development, our reference frame moves along, also causing us to focus on different aspects and choosing different environments. Read more about this concept in relation to happiness.

Multi layered
Everything in the world around you has multiple layers. With layers, I mean that you can describe an object through several viewpoints. Color, composition, structure, and scent are all examples of layers of objects. Which layer(s) you choose is arbitrary but it is important to realize that each layer is present in the same object at the same time. Everything is. In many of my stories I play with the differences across layers, and the coupling of these layers. In creativity for example, this is quite an interesting to be aware of.
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